Areas of application of the Label Feeder ALF
The diverse fields of application of the Automatic Label Feeders of the ALF product lines
The ALF label feeders provide manufacturing companies with a reasonibly priced feeder solution known as “peeling”. ALF label feeders peel of, transport and provide labels and cover material for further use through the ongoing production processes.
ALF feeder can be installed where traditional application solutions can not provide a label in a pick-up position.
The feeder unit – which was originally developed for production lines in SMD technology – delivers labels and self-adhesive materials to a precise pick-up position.
High flexibility with regard to label size
Label sizes are adjustable. Theoretically, any label between approx. 2x2mm and 55x55mm in size can be automatically implemented into the production process, the device can then be adjusted at no additional cost to a different media size (depending on model).
On beat with your production process
The module also has extensive, yet easy to operate software that contains settings that enable a requirements oriented synchronisation with the production process. Thus allowing parameters such as speed, pickup position, ramp (conveyance acceleration) and various others to be defined.
The support takes place fully automatically by means of micro-moving belts and an IR sensor, which also supports transparent materials (depending on model).
The feeding takes place in different, adjustable modes:
either fully automatic by means of an IR sensor that detect the picking up of a label and transports new material, or controlled by the production line via a signal interface, which also allows continuous monitoring of the operating status.
Various areas of application in manufacturing companies, electronics production, special machine construction and other areas.
Due to the high flexibility with regard to label size and material as well as its reliability, our label feeders of the automatic label feeder product lines ALF12, ALF14 and ALF19 are ideally suited for use in manufacturing, electronics production and special machine construction.
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Labels and their versatile requirements for a label feeder

The requirements to be fulfilled by a label feeder solution are tough, arriving from different sizes, shapes and materials of labels.
Our automatic label feeders from the ALF product lines master these with ease – thanks to many years of development work and extensive tests under laboratory conditions and in practice.
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